Rental Pool Management

Rental pools are often an enticing feature for residential real estate owners and investors. Rental Pools give you the option to combine a group of rentals into one real estate portfolio that cooperatively shares expenses and/or income. This type of investing helps ensure owners a monthly payment regardless of tenant turnovers, market fluctuations or other variables.

In this format, any vacancy for any period of time and minor maintenance cost is split across all the units in the pool. This is an effective way to reduce your risks and stabilize your rental unit income for the long term.

To participate in one of our existing rental pools, your unit must meet standards for both upgrades and maintenance. Once inspected and approved all you need to do is sign the rental pool agreement. Your unit will officially join the rental pool once we rent it for the first time. As we are a fully licensed real estate brokerage, all rental income and security deposits are held in trust accounts governed and audited yearly by the Real Estate Council of Alberta.